Featured Professional Development Opportunities at AEROTECH®

Make the most of your event experience and advance your skills and technical knowledge by attending one of these SAE Professional Development Classroom Seminars, held in conjunction with AeroTech®. A separate registration and registration fee are required.

Flight Control Actuation System Considerations on Architecture Design and System Installation

March 16, 2020 | 4 Hours | Instructed by: Dominique Van Den Bossche

The purpose of this four-hour short course is to provide information to understand how is established the basic architecture of a Flight Control Actuation System of a transport airplane, i.e. understanding the rationale for the distribution of the control surfaces, power sources, actuators and computers.


Systems Engineering for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Systems

March 16, 2020 | 8 Hours | Instructed by: Ravi Rajamani

This course will explore how efficient systems can be designed in an effective manner to ensure that they meet performance requirements; addressing systems engineering (SE) and review prognostic health management (PHM) including requirements management, model-based design, and validation.


Introduction to Aircraft Hydraulic System Design and Certification

March 16, 2020 | 4 Hours | Instructed by: Jon Jeffery

This course provides an overview of hydraulic system design of typical business and commercial aircraft. Topics will include the principles, system architectures, power sources, main components and technologies of hydraulic systems including hydraulic power generation, filtration, fluid storage, distribution, sensing and control.


These technical papers presented at WCX represent some of the most significant advancements of the past year. Don't miss them!

Access WCX's Most Downloaded Papers

Review of Vehicle Engine Efficiency and Emissions
Development of High-Performance FC Stack for the New MIRAI
Teammate Advanced Drive System Using Automated Driving Technology
Crash Performance of Steel, Aluminum and Carbon Fiber Composite Bumper Beams with Steel Crush Cans
Sensitivity Study of Battery Thermal Response to Cell Thermophysical Parameters
Coalesce of Artificial Intelligence into ADAS Hardware-In-the-Loop Testing
Optimization of Speed Fluctuation of Internal Combustion Engine Range Extender by a Dual Closed-Loop Control Strategy

Intelligent Voice Activated Drone(s) for in-Vehicle Services and Real-Time Predictions

The Influence of eFuel Formulation on Post Oxidation and Cold Start Emissions

Application of Dynamic Skip Fire for NOx and CO2 Emissions Reduction of Diesel Powertrains

Looking for something else?

Whether it’s advances in electric drivetrain technology, emissions control, or aerospace cybersecurity, SAE International is your source for mobility engineering knowledge. Explore our resources today. 

Get Industry-Based Cybersecurity Training

Reserve your spot in SAE’s upcoming webinar, [INSERT WEBINAR TITLE HERE]. Watch [WEBINAR LEADER TITLE] discuss [HOT CYBERSECURITY TOPICS] and ask your questions in this interactive forum.

Enhance Your Cybersecurity Know-How on the Go

The SAE Cybersecurity Podcast Protect Your Ears is available now on the iTunes Store.
Episode 1
Workforce development in the age of connected vehicles
Episode 2
Driving organizational awareness internally and externally (suppliers)
Episode 3
Understanding the cybersecurity regulatory environment